Jeremy Burks
James Ang
Jim is the Chief Scientist for Computing in the Physical and Computational Sciences Directorate (PCSD) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Jim’s primary role is to serve as PNNL’s Sector Lead for the DOE/SC Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Office. At PNNL, the ASCR portfolio includes over a dozen R&D projects in computer science, applied mathematics, networking, and computational modeling and simulation. Jim also serves as the lead of the Data-Model Convergence Initiative, a lab-wide 5 year investment to develop new computer science capabilities that support integration of scientific high performance computing and data analytics computing paradigms. Through a co-design process, challenge problems that integrate scientific modeling and simulation, domain-aware machine learning, and graph analytics are used to drive the development of a supporting system software stack that maps these heterogeneous applications to conceptual designs for System-on-Chip (SoC) heterogeneous processors. A key element of this converged computing strategy is to support PNNL objectives in accelerating scientific discovery, and real time control of the power grid. Jim's prior connections to other government agencies transferred to PNNL with him and has led to PNNL and Jim's engagement in several national security programs.
Prior to joining PNNL, Jim served as the a member of the initial DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) leadership team from 2015-2017. Jim's role was the Director of ECP's hardware technology focus area. His primary role and responsibility was the development and definition of the DOE ECP's hardware R&D strategy. The key elements of the strategy included: 1) Establish a portfolio of PathForward vendor-led hardware R&D projects for component, node and system architecture design, and 2) Create a Design Space Evaluation team to provide ECP with independent architectural analysis of the PathForward vendors' designs and the ability to facilitate co-design communication among the PathForward vendors and the ECP's application and system software development teams.
Christelle Piechurski
Pavel Gertsberg
Michael White
Madeleine Morely
Anglo-French, 29 years old. Madeleine studied Economics at Exeter University and then did a MSc in Environmental Technology at Imperial College.
After graduating I joined a Carbon Offsetting company called Natural Capital Partners briefly before deciding to set up he own insect-based pet food company TOMOJO.
Created in November 2017, TOMOJO is an insect-based pet food company based in Paris. Our mission is to promote natural, healthy and traceable food for pets while preserving the planet.
Erik Wide Gustafsson
Andre Jordao
Andre is an experienced entrepreneur and the CEO of Barkyn, a pet food subscription combining personalised food and telemedicine, growing in multiple European countries.