Amarjot Singh
Dr Amarjot Singh is the founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Skylark Labs LLC., that creates advanced AI systems to solve today's far-reaching physical security challenges. Dr Singh is also a research fellow at Stanford University and part of the L2M DARPA program, USA, where he is attempting to develop a framework for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Before launching Skylark and joining Stanford, Singh received his doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) from the University of Cambridge, the UK in 2018. He has also been associated with several other institutions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, National University of Singapore (NUS), INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, University of Bonn, Germany, Simon Fraser University, Canada, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, and NIT Warangal, India. Singh has made several breakthrough contributions towards the areas of artificial intelligence and computer vision with over 50 international journal and conference publications. His research on 'Disguised Face Recognition' and 'Violent Activity Detection from Drones' gained international attention and was covered by several media houses including the BBC World News, London, NBC, USA, ABC Radio, Australia, Telegraph, UK, Discovery Channel, Canada, New Scientist, The cover of the Economist, Vice, Inc. etc.
Dennis Abts
Dennis is an expert in scalable vector architectures for high-performance computing. Previously at Google, he worked on topologies for energy-proportional networking, and Cray, where he was a Sr. Principal Architect on several Top500 massively-parallel supercomputers. Dennis has published over 20 technical papers in areas of memory systems, interconnection networks, and fault-tolerant systems. He holds over two dozen patents spanning 20+ years of experience at Cray and Google. Dennis holds a PhD in Computer Architecture from the University of Minnesota and is a Senior Member of IEEE and ACM Computer Society.