Matt Gibson
Born and raised in dairy-rich New Zealand, Matt became passionate about transforming the dairy industry when he started learning about its massive environmental, animal welfare, and human health impacts. After founding multiple start-ups in New Zealand, he moved to the Bay Area to launch New Culture as part of IndieBio, the world’s leading biotech start-up accelerator, with co-founder Inja Radman. He has a BSc from the University of Auckland in genetics and microbiology, completed a certificate in filmmaking from the New Zealand Film Academy, and is a licensed skydiver with 60+ jumps above him. He is also a budding banjo picker.

Neeru Ravi
Neeru Ravi is a core member of Boston Consulting Group’s Consumer and Climate & Sustainability practices. She is the topic lead for alternative proteins in North America. Since joining the firm in 2015, Neeru has worked with BCG with clients in the UK and the US. Her functional focus has been on consumer insights, consumer segmentation, growth strategy development, pricing, consumer-centric sustainability, and alternative proteins. She is co-author of BCG’s thought leadership publication ‘Taking Alternative Proteins Mainstream’.

Seungwon Lee
Seungwon Lee is a Master (VP of Technology) at Samsung, where he leads Computing SW Team at SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) of Samsung Electronics.
His research interests include large scale deep learning computing SW and In/Near memory computing SW.
Lee received a Ph.D degree in computer science and engineering from Seoul National University.

Arthur Sainio
Arthur Sainio is Co-Chair of the SNIA Persistent Memory and NVDIMM Special Interest Group, which accelerates the awareness and adoption of Persistent Memories and NVDIMMs for computing architectures.
As a Director of Product Marketing at SMART Modular Technologies. Arthur has been driving new product launch and business development activities at SMART since 1998.
Prior to Smart, Arthur worked as a product manager at Hitachi Semiconductor America. While there, his focus was on DRAM, SRAM, and Flash technologies.
Arthur holds a MBA from San Francisco State University and a MS from Arizona State

Tom Coughlin
Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a widely respected digital storage analyst as well as business and technology consultant. He has over 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and management positions at several companies as well as 20 years as a respected consultant.
Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents to his credit. Tom is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in it’s second edition with Springer. Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis as well as Data Storage sndf Memory Technical and Business Consulting services. Tom publishes the Digital Storage Technology Newsletter, the Media and Entertainment Storage Report, the Emerging Non-Volatile Memory Report and other industry reports. Tom is also a regular contributor on digital storage for Forbes.com and other blogs.
Tom is active with SMPTE (Journal article writer and Conference Program Committee), SNIA (including a founder of the SNIA SSSI), the IEEE (he is Past President of IEEE-USA, Past Chair of the IEEE New Initiatives Committee, Past Chair of the IEEE Public Visibility Committee, Past Director for IEEE Region 6, Past Chair and still active in the IEEE Santa Clara Valley section and active in the Consumer Technology Society) and other professional organizations. Tom is the founder and organizer of the Storage Visions Conferences (www.storagevisions.com as well as the Creative Storage Conferences (www.creativestorage.org). He was the general chairman of the annual Flash Memory Summit for 10 years. He is an IEEE Fellow, HKN member, and a board member of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV). For more information on Tom Coughlin and his publications go to www.tomcoughlin.com.

Seong Kim
As the leader of the global data center solutions architect group at AMD, Seong is focused on driving the development of data center application acceleration and offload for compute, network, and storage solutions. Seong’s recent focuses are on smart video analytics, machine learning, database acceleration, smart NIC, smart SSD and computational storage accelerations.
Seong holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and an MBA in Marketing. He has authored numerous technical papers, white papers, and patents, and has presented industry seminars. Throughout his career, Seong has developed proof-of-concept solutions for data center, wireless, and wireline applications using network processors, FPGA, x86 & ARM, and networking peripherals. He is proactively recommending courses of action to bring competitiveness to the solutions and defining the roadmap and next-generation platforms.

James Wright

Natacha Jamar